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Taking Life to the Next Level


The Consciousness Paradigm

 ~ A Practical Approach to Getting More Out of Life~


Raising Consciousness Is All About Answering The Big Questions In Life

How do I get more out of life?

What is the meaning and purpose of my existence?

Where do I fit in all of this?

How can I self-actualize and live at my highest potential?

How can I improve the relationships in my life?

How can I contribute to making a better world?

All these questions and many others get answered through the process of raising our consciousness.  While raising consciousness is not a one day quick-fix solution, the rewards of the process are life transforming.  It can open up for us a quality and depth and vividness of life that would not otherwise be possible.  The information on this site and its related sites, offers some insights on how this is possible.

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“Today we are at the beginning of an evolutionary step forward for consciousness–a revolution of sorts.” ~John Smotherman

Consciousness, while often talked about, is a concept that can be challenging to truly define let alone apply to our lives. John Smotherman, author of The Consciousness Paradigm, meets this challenge by offering writings and teachings to fully engage his audience in an understanding of consciousness that is accessible and pragmatic.  The purpose of the site is to introduce you to the concepts discussed in The Consciousness Paradigm, the author who wrote the book and the opportunities that are available to you if you are interested in applying these concepts to your own life.

Would you like to get a quick overview about what The Consciousness Paradigm is all about?

You’re invited to  grab a cup of coffee and take a half hour break with John as he offers a free audio lecture with image enhancements. All you have to do is hit the play button below when you are ready.   This will give you a great overview of what it means to explore the topic of consciousness from a perspective that is practical and accessible.  It provides an excellent introduction to the common narrative of consciousness that opens doors to personal growth for people from diverse backgrounds and interest levels. If now is not a good time, please feel welcome to skip it for now and scroll on down the site or and/or bookmark the lecture page and catch it later. 

Ready to Learn More?

There  are many ways to become involved in raising your own consciousness and creating a better life for yourself and those in the world around you.  In the brief interview below, John Smotherman discusses the history of his own journey of consciousness and he describes his work at helping others in their journey of personal growth.  Following the interview,  you will find several ways in which you can access this information and use it to take the next steps on your journey.

John Smotherman has studied consciousness for most of his life.  He brings a background in family law and higher education as he addresses the topic. Learn More

Smotherman large framed

John Smotherman authored the Consciousness Paradigm with the intention of helping his readers understand consciousness from a practical perspective.  Learn More



John Smotherman blogs on topics related to consciousness and how to make practical life applications for raising it in his personal blog which is located at Willow Grove Monastery.



Ready to get involved?

Is there a part of you that knows you want to live at a higher potential?  Does  your soul long to create a better world?  Do you want to see your business embrace a mission that extends beyond the profit margin?  Are you in public service, ministry or education because you have a desire to see others grow? Are you interested in booking a speaker on consciousness for your organization?

Whatever the reasons are that brought you here and whatever your personal goals are, the purpose of The Consciousness Paradigm is to equip you to take the next step on your journey in consciousness.  Below are some  of  the opportunities that are available to equip you in your personal journey and find common ground with others who are also seeking to raise consciousness and create a better world.  No one knows your destiny or your path better than you.  If you find a place where you believe that your path may intersect with what is offered here, make sure to click on the contact page so that you can get connected with the resources that are of interest to you.

Willow Grove Monastery

“The Path of Transformation focuses on changing the inner landscape.  Instead of climbing to  the peak of a giant mountain of needs, we flatten the mountain and bring the peak down to us.” ~John Smotherman

Willow Grove Monastery exists to encourage you on your personal Path of Transformation.  Founded by John Smotherman, the Willow Grove community is dedicated to individuals who wish to begin a concentrated effort to raise their own consciousness.  We offer materials and training in pragmatic practices that make consciousness an approachable reality for our members.  Willow Grove Monastery is inclusive and affirming of all spiritual perspectives including those who need sanctuary from formal religious settings.   We are united by a common desire to raise our consciousness individually as well as collectively.

John Smotherman  and the Willow Grove staff  offer workshops, seminars and training to faith based communities as well as to members of the clergy.   These outreach efforts complement the work of theological and religious education that is best served by members of the clergy in various spiritual settings. Learn More

Applied Consciousness Systems

“The people who truly excel, who find their way to happy and fulfilling lives, are the ones who have learned how to consistently function at high levels of consciousness.”~John Smotherman

All evidence indicates that when we really look at life, the single biggest predictor of the amount of happiness and fulfillment we will experience in life is the Level of Consciousness at which we function.  Higher consciousness has shown itself capable of making significant contributions to professional and financial success.  This is true at both the individual and the corporate level.  As individuals grow in consciousness, fear and anxiety are replaced by courage, results and success.  As success is achieved inwardly the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards of a given position increase.  Employees in turn report higher levels of job satisfaction.  Satisfied employees become increasingly productive creating a synergistic, cohesive and thriving organization.

These results are possible for any company that is willing to focus on raising collective consciousness of its personnel.  John Smotherman is sought after for his skills in corporate coaching, consulting, and training.  From one on one coaching to full length corporate seminars, John is available to empower  individuals and organizations to use consciousness to achieve results.  Learn More

Earthwide Village

Shifting paradigms to view the world differently–as one collective human consciousness–could drastically improve the kind of Earth our children will inherit.”~John Smotherman

The consciousness of the world at large holds the greatest hope and potential boon to people who live in the most desperate of circumstances.  Empathy for others is the doorway through which love enters our lives.  Learning to truly empathize with all of humanity is one of the most fulfilling things we can do:  it give life a gravity of meaning and purpose that fulfills at levels the ego can not reach. The Earthwide Village, founded by John Smotherman, opens the door for members to come together in an informal context and to work together in collective acts of social justice.  As a collective group of individuals we are able to combine efforts to achieve a tangible difference in the lives of others.  In so doing, the global perspective of consciousness is gradually raised having an exponential effect on the individuals who are part of the process as well as those who are the recipients of the projects and services developed in our common efforts.  Learn More

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