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Earth Wide Village

“Shifting paradigms to view the world differently–as one collective human consciousness–could drastically improve the kind of Earth our children will inherit.”~John Smotherman 

boys-60748The consciousness of the world at large holds the greatest hope and potential boon to people who live in the most desperate of circumstances.  Empathy for others is the doorway through which love enters our lives.  Learning to truly empathize with all of humanity is one of the most fulfilling things we can do:  it gives life a gravity of meaning and purpose that fulfills us at levels the ego can not reach.

The Earthwide Village, founded by John Smotherman, opens the door for members to come together in an informal context and to work together in collective acts of social justice.  As a collective group of individuals we are able to combine efforts to achieve a tangible difference in the lives of others.  In so doing, the global perspective of consciousness is gradually raised having an exponential effect on the individuals who are part of the process as well as those who are the recipients of the projects and services developed in our common efforts.

The Earthwide Village  Marketplace is an outgrowth of the Earthwide Village that is presently being created.  The marketplace will celebrate and honor the creative expressions of our members.  It will also seek to connect the public with organizations and businesses that are committed to offering organic, environmentally friendly and/or fair trade products.  In most cases, our organization will not make any profit from the revenues generated through the marketplace. Proceeds go directly to the artisans, creators and companies we chose to feature.  It is our desire to simply connect the public with individuals and organizations who are committed to practices reflective of raising consciousness in their settings.

If you are interested in working with us to create either the Earthwide Village Community or the Earthwide Village Marketplace, please email Tammy: for more information.


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