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Contact Us:

If you are interested in booking John to speak for your group or if you would like to know more about how to become involved with any of our projects and groups you may either contact John directly or get in touch with his publicist.  John welcomes questions, thoughts and opportunities for discussion about any topics related to consciousness.

Smotherman large framed John Smotherman  

 Author | Speaker | Consciousness Coach


 Staff Members:

Jenne headshot solid frameJennifer Ramsey 

Publicist | Bookings


Tammy Profile small

Tammy Robert

 Community Liason: Willow Grove Monastery | Earthwide Village


John loves to engage and connect with his readers and anyone interested in learning more about consciousness.  Have a quick question?  Want to know more?  Please fill out the form to the right and John or one of his staff members will get in touch with you right away


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Thank you for contacting us. In order for us to help get you to the information and resources that best suit you, please check any interests that may apply to your inquiry: Booking John to SpeakContacting John PersonallyRaising My ConsciousnessOnline Book Discussion GroupPersonal Coaching in ConsciousnessExecutive Coaching and ConsultingWillow Grove MonasteryApplied Consciousness SystemsEarth Wide Village-- Social Justice ProjectsOrdering the BookOther

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